UL Listed for Your Peace of Mind. Experience unmatched durability with our product, boasting a tensile strength of up to 5,000 psi and less than 0.25mm deflection under load. Fully meeting the rigorous UL 651 standard, our product guarantees reliability and compliance, ensuring your project’s success.
Premium Branded Product. Crafted exclusively from 100% brand-new materials, our product sets the standard for quality. Featuring a sleek, smooth interior and exterior, it ensures effortless installation and optimal performance for your electrical wiring needs.
卓越的防火性能。 With a UL 94V-0 fire rating, our product offers unmatched safety by ceasing to flame the moment the fire source is removed. This top-tier fire resistance ensures the utmost protection for your home and building, offering peace of mind in every installation.
Non-Metallic Pipe Excellence. Our Sch 40 PVC conduit pipes come with an impressive array of benefits, including resistance to heat, corrosion, fire, sunlight, and rust. These features make our pipes a superior choice for durability and long-term reliability in any project.
Sunlight Resilient. Boasting exceptional resistance to sunlight, our product is the ideal solution for outdoor installations. Engineered to withstand even the most severe conditions, it ensures lasting performance and durability in any environment.
值得信赖的合作伙伴。 With over 15 major construction projects worldwide, we’re the go-to supplier for thousands of companies across the US, Canada, Australia, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia. Our experience and reliability make us a preferred partner in the industry.
Why You Need UL & ASTM Certified Schedule 40 Clear PVC Electrical Conduit?
为北美专门设计的电气导管解决方案! 🇺🇸
Get custom-designed electrical solutions that meet your specific project requirements!
Premium electrical PVC conduit for secure & reliable installations!
Our premium-grade PVC materials offer:
Experience the difference with Ledes’ high-quality electrical PVC conduit!
Stay safe & efficient with UL 94V-0 fire rated Sch 40 clear PVC pipe!
我们的先进 PVC 管道具有以下特点:
选择 Ledes 可以增强您的电气项目的安全性和安心。
使用轻质且可靠的 40 号透明导管来保护自己!
Our innovative sch 40 clear pipes offer:
与 Ledes 一起享受极致安全高效的电气安装!
Our schedule 40 clear electrical conduit offers:
选择 Ledes 可以增强您的电气项目的安全性和安心。
抗拉强度 | 5,000 磅/平方英寸(3.45 千牛/平方厘米) |
挤压 | 融合 |
吸水率 | 浸泡后总重量≤0.50% |
抗压强度 | 试验后ID≥70% |
抗冲击性 | 少于 3 个 1/32 英寸的裂纹和撕裂 |
负载下挠度 | 变形量≤0.25mm |
防火等级 | UL 94V-0 |
对特定试剂的耐药性 | 浸泡60 / 120天后重量减少±2.50% |
印刷持久性 | 是的 |
防锈、防晒 | 是的 |
颜色 | 清除 |
材料 | PVC |
定制服务 | 可用的 |
产地 | 中国东莞 |
船运 | 海运 |
示例 | 可用的 |
长度 | 10 英尺或 20 英尺 |
尺寸(英寸) | 零件编号 | 外径(英寸) | T(最小值) | 每包英尺数 |
1/2 | LE-ULC012 | 0.840 | 0.109 | 6000 |
3/4 | LE-ULC019 | 1.050 | 0.113 | 4400 |
1 | LE-ULC025 | 1.315 | 0.133 | 3600 |
1-1/4 | LE-ULC031 | 1.660 | 0.140 | 3300 |
1-1/2 | LE-ULC038 | 1.900 | 0.145 | 2250 |
2 | LE-ULC050 | 2.375 | 0.154 | 1400 |
2-1/2 | LE-ULC063 | 2.875 | 0.203 | 930 |
3 | LE-ULC076 | 3.500 | 0.216 | 880 |
3-1/2 | LE-ULC088 | 4.000 | 0.226 | 630 |
4 | LE-ULC101 | 4.500 | 0.237 | 570 |
5 | LE-ULC127 | 5.563 | 0.258 | 380 |
6 | LE-ULC152 | 6.625 | 0.280 | 260 |
8 | LE-ULC203 | 8.625 | 0.322 | 180 |
全球 15 多个重大项目,例如 CHPE、ABBrown 站、阿布扎比阿联酋 Al Dhafra PV2 项目、墨尔本地铁隧道、澳门岛医院项目等。
我们是中国第一家获得 UL 和 CSA 认证的电气导管和配件供应商,我们拥有一系列认证,包括 ASTM、IEC、AS/NZS、ROHS、CE 和 ISO。
Ledes 希望与客户面对面交流,因此我们参加了很多展会。例如,我们多次参加拉斯维加斯的 IBS 展会,以及广交会。未来,我们期待在展会上与您相见!
Ledes 是一家专业的 PVC 电线管和配件工厂,我们在中国拥有两家不同的工厂。我们的产品已通过 UL、CSA、ASTM、IEC、AS/NZS、ROHS 和 CE 认证。
是的,Ledes 提供电气管道和配件的完全定制服务。 不仅颜色和尺寸,我们还可以根据您的建筑项目进行定制。
不同尺寸的导管有不同的最小起订量;如果是 PVC 导管,则一般为 3,000 米到 5,000 米(9,850 英尺到 16,500 英尺),具体取决于尺寸。
一般 L/D 为 15 至 30 天,但这取决于您的数量。
我们接受30% T/T预付,其余70%需在发货前付款。
您可以通过 3 种不同的方式联系我们:提交联系表、发送电子邮件或向我们发送 WhatsApp 消息。